Each week we will be featuring our favorite beer from the past week as "Beer of the Week".
Description: Smooth, crisp and refreshing witbier. Its similar to blue moon with the orange.
Cons: Name. I understand that they're trying to be clever (Un-Filtered Offerings) but it's bad, very, very bad. So bad I actually didn't get it the first time I saw it.
What you should know: Its smooth and easy to drink. Great for both the veteran and novice beer drinkers.
Recommendations: First, find a nice open area on a warm, sunny afternoon. Second, grab a UFO White 6-pack, bacchi balls, and your J-Lin jersey. Finally, DO NOT try and drink until UFO actually sounds like a clever name for a beer. You WILL fail because you WILL pass the "thinking urinating on police officers is OK" threshold.