I managed to drink enough beers in 8 days in SD to cover a normal 5-6 week stretch at home. Fortunately, that means I'm behind and can highlight some more stuff from the trip. The best beer I had Monday-Wednesday on that trip: Pizza Port Tangerine Assassin
Description: Fruity, tart, and finishes a little salty. At 7% ABV, this is a beer that'll get you going masquerading as a refreshing option after a long day at the beach. Fortunately, that's the exact situation I was in, and it was perfect.
What you should know: I only had one of these (obviously I moved onto trying others), but other people around me had a bunch, so this is clearly a beer you won't get tired of.
Recommendations: Drink a fruity/sour beer this weekend. Act like it's still summer and ignore the fact that you're being inundated with pumpkin stuff already.