Setup: Align cups in a triangle shape at each end of a table (we recommend 6 on each end for 1v1, 10 for 2v2, 15 for 3v3), and acquire as many ping pong balls as there are members on each team. Fill each cup with enough beer so that it won't fall over when a ball hits it (at least 1/5 of a beer per cup). Also, each side should have a "water cup" to wash the balls between turns. If it is the first game of the day/night, first shot is determined by "eye to eye" shooting, where each team shoots one ball at the same time while staring at the shooting member of the other team. After this, winner shoots first. Gameplay: Each team shoots at the other team's cups, and for every make, the cup is removed and drank by the opposing team. Once a shot has hit either a cup or the table, the opposing team may defend their cups by catching or swatting the ball. Generally, a team is allowed 1 or 2 "re-racks" where they can rearrange the cups they are shooting at in one of a pre-defined set of racks. Options can include, but are necessarily not limited to, two in a row, 3 in a row (power I), triangle (3 or 6 cups), diamond, and sword. Another optional (but very popular, especially for 2v2) rule is that a team gets to shoot again if all of their members make their shots. More optional rules are explained below. End of Game: Once a team has made all of the cups on the other end, the game is over. In most 2v2 formats, there is an opportunity for "rebuttal" by the losing team. In this case, if the winning team has only made the last cup once, the other team gets to take a turn, with each player shooting until they miss. Another option for this case is that if both members of the losing team make the last cup, they get to shoot first in overtime. Overtime is a 3 cup triangle in the same format as regulation. Recommended Rules: For 2v2, 1 re-rack, but never in the middle of a turn. If both players on a team make the cup, they get "balls back" and get to shoot again. Rebuttal is in effect, but the team that makes the last cup first gets first shot in OT regardless of how many the other team makes. "Overshot, pull"-if a shot misses the cups and the table completely, the shooter must pull a cup of their choice from their side. Other Optional Rules: Bounce - Bounce shots count as 2 cups, with the opposing team getting to choose the 2nd cup to pull. NBA Jam-if someone makes 2 shots in a row, they call "heating up", and if they make their next shot they are "on fire" and continue shooting until they miss. Behind the Back- If the shot misses and rolls back on the table, and the shooting team grabs it, the shooter gets to shoot again, but must shoot behind their back. Island- Once per game, a player can call "island" and shoot at a cup that is not touching any other cups. If they make it, it counts as 2 cups. If not (even if they make another cup), they get credit for 0 cups. Ring of Fire- If a team makes the only the center cup, front cup, and both back corners, they have achieved the "ring of fire" and the game is over. Kahuna Cup- Fill the front cup completely full of beer. Once both "kahuna cups" have been hit, the designated drinkers have a chug-off. Death Cup- If you make a shot in someone on the other team's drinking cup, the game is over.