Riverwalk Gnomad Saison - 7.7% ABV Pete This is a pretty good saison. It's a little spicy, but not quite as strong flavor-wise as I expect from saisons. That said, it hides the booze well and is pretty easy to drink.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Riverwalk High Waters #2 Pale Ale - 4.2% ABV Pete Very good, and very easy to drink, dry IPA with mostly piney flavors.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Riverwalk Jersey Street IPA - 6.3% ABV Pete Incredible IPA. Everything you could want. Smells of citrus. Tastes like it too with a tiny hint of piney bitterness. I should note that I was quite drunk when I had this, but I'm confident it would still be delicious sober.
Ratings: Pete - 6 Shyoh's
Riverwalk Unveiled Pale Ale - 5.6% ABV Pete This tasted strangely boozy to me at first. Then I realized that that might be the pepper and not the booze. That combination definitely makes it taste Belgian (spicy with booze, although this is a different kind of spice). It's pretty good and a bit different than most.