Red Hook Audible Ale Pale Ale - 4.7% ABV Pete I've got to be completely honest. I have 0 recollection of drinking this one. It must have been just plain horrible though, since I was that drunk, and still wrote "Bad. Bad." as my notes.
Ratings: Pete - 2 Shyoh's
Red Hook ESB Extra Special Bitter - 5.77% ABV Pete This is a decent choice if you are looking for a relatively cheap bitter.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Red Hook Long Hammer IPA IPA - 6.5% ABV Pete This is a fairly generic IPA. Nothing stands out.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Red Hook Nut Brown Brown Ale - 5.8% ABV Pete This is a very good brown ale. The malty sweetness stays with you for a few seconds after you put it down. Gotta love that.