Half Acre Beachweed Pale Ale - 5% ABV Pete Bitter at first with a pretty strong coconut finish. Gross combination.
Ratings: Pete - 2 Shyoh's
Half Acre Double Daisy Cutter Imperial IPA - 8% ABV Pete Didn't really taste as it was advertised. More of a dank medium bitter IPA than a juicy one. It's a good version of that.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Half Acre GoneAway IPA - 6.6% ABV Pete Pretty generic IPA, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Maybe a little extra fruitiness to it.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Half Acre Move Through The Hills Like A Ghost Wild Ale - 5.2% ABV Pete Tart with a little bit of funk. Enough so that you know it's there, but not enough to overwhelm. Quite good.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Half Acre Shrub Tundra Brown Ale - 6.2% ABV Pete This claims to be a coffee beer. I don't really taste that, but it is a damn good toasty brown that's creamy enough that I'd say it's a porter.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Half Acre Tome New England Pale Ale - 5.5% ABV Pete Light, citrusy, a little earthy, nice.