Far From The Tree Beets By Pete Cider - 7% ABV Pete This literally tastes like sugary beets. It's like nothing I've ever had before. I wouldn't say I particularly enjoyed it, but hey, it's pretty different and worth trying. Points for originality.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Bog Cider - 7.5% ABV Pete Dry tart finish, presumably from the cranberry. I like it a lot.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Ciderac Cider - 7.5% ABV Pete Smells like bitters, and tastes like a cider with bitters in it. For me, that's a great drink.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Kärr-uhmell Cider - 7.5% ABV Pete This basically just tastes like a caramel coated apple. It tastes great, but is extremely sweet.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Lei Cider - 8% ABV Pete Sweet and spicy. Very tasty, and somehow quite strong. Very well balanced.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Macachusetts Cider - 7.5% ABV Pete This is described as a champagne-style cider. Given that, I wasn't expecting it to be overly sweet, but it is. Still pretty good, but very sweet.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Far From the Tree Nova Cider - 8% ABV Pete Didn't really taste the hops, but it's definitely on the drier side for ciders. Also, strong apparently.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Pickle My Fancy Cider - ?% ABV Pete
This just tastes like cucumber water, which I like a lot. Extremely refreshing.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Far From The Tree Rickey Cider - 7% ABV Pete Pretty good refreshing cider, but I had really high hopes based on the description, and it didn't quite live up to them.