Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout Stout - 10.0% ABV Pete This beer has everything a beer drinker could want. Delicious, smooth, and a lot of alcohol.
Ratings: Pete - 7 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Brown Ale Brown Ale - 5.6% ABV Pete This beer packs a punch and has a lot of flavor. Unfortunately, the flavor isn't good.
Ratings: Pete - 3 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Defender IPA IPA - 6.7% ABV Pete This is a very piney IPA that doesn't really taste bitter at all. Definitely worth trying.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Brooklyn East India Pale Ale IPA - 6.9% ABV Pete I'm not sure how I managed to skip over this beer for so long, as I see it all the time. It is pretty good. A little milder than I was expecting, with some hints of fruit in the aftertaste. Good work.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Lager Lager - 5.2% ABV Pete This is a great beer. Full-flavored lager that isn’t too bitter. Smells very hoppy, almostlike an IPA, but is smooth going down, with a bit of a citrus taste. Like most lagers, this is a beer-lover’s beer. This is lighter than most lagers, however, so if you are to drink more than a few lagers, this should be your choice.
Ratings: Pete- 5 Shyoh’s
Brooklyn Local #1 Belgian Strong Pale Ale - 9.0% ABV Josh Lives up to the high bar Brooklyn Brewery sets for itself. Only drawback is the price which knocked it down a small peg in my book.
Ratings: Josh - 7 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Local #2 Belgian Strong Dark Ale - 9% ABV Pete This one tastes pretty good, with some sweetness, but it just smells awful.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Monster Ale Barleywine - 10.1% ABV Pete Looking at the ABV might scare some people away from this beer, but it really doesn't taste that strong. It has a bit of a sweetness to it that you wouldn't expect from something this potent. Definitely worth getting.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Naranjito Pale Ale - 4.5% ABV Pete This is exactly what you'd expect from the name. It's a little bit fruity, but not too much that it defines the beer. Just a very drinkable beer with a hint of fruit.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Pennant Ale '55 Ale - 5.1% ABV Josh Good, very good. Pete This is a very good beer, and I could drink it all day. Rob Have you ever mulled over the names professional sports teams have been given? Have you ever significantly thought about the actual meanings of such names? Have you pondered and come to realize how original some team owners are and how unoriginal are others? (I’m postulating that the owners make these decisions over lobster and ancient wine with the rest of their upper management—name picking being a highly aristocratic notion). A great deal of these high nobles certainly jump the gun with this agenda evidently, worrying about other, more important objectives, like keeping the butter sauce from falling onto their Dockers. They initiate the conversation and too readily terminate it, proclaiming, “Yes! The Nets! It is perfect!” Any name created for a basketball team composed of baskets, nets, or balls cannot possibly have exceeded more than five minutes in conversation. I also believe, for the most part, that animals are a cop out , e.g. Bobcats, Tigers, Grizzlies, Raptors, etc. For some reason the birds seem to work well though, I think, at least in the MLB with the Blue Jays, Orioles, and Cardinals. But the only way to guarantee a name upholding critical acclaim and infinite success is when making it historically significant. This is always a shoo-in. They are the names you might not understand at all, but know that the name is somewhat significant to that certain city’s history in some way; those are the names that resonate. Which brings me to the team I’m throwing into the spotlight: the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers. Their name derives from the myriad of trolley cars the denizens of Brooklyn had to dodge in the streets in the late 1800’s. They were originally named the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers. I’m going to guess that people weren’t actually dodging trolleys and a subsequent death, but either way—that is the name’s origin. And 1955 is the highlighted year for two reasons: one because it was Brooklyn’s only World Series win, and two because Brooklyn Brewery distributes a wonderfully crafted pale ale titled “Pennant Ale ‘55” as a tribute to the ’55 Dodgers.
I believe that life is worth living and being thankful for merely for the fact that we can drink beer and watch baseball simultaneously. And this Pennant Ale is a go-to brew in this regard. It pours a light reddish-brown with an unsubstantial off-white head. Like all pale ale style brews the hoppiness is evident, but unobtrusive, unlike the India Pale Ale’s overtly hoppy character. The taste here goes further than the Cascade and Willamette hops Brooklyn uses, as you’ll find a citrus and sweet component to it; it goes down smooth and easy, finishing with a gentle zest, pulling at your hand kindly asking you to go ahead and pick up another one out of the cooler. With the crack of the bat, the pop of ball on glove leather, and the chatter of tobacco filled mouths of scruffy bearded men, this beer complements the sounds of baseball all too well. Unlike a lot of the beers I find myself indulging in, this beer is more light than dark, it is not a robust, powerful, wine-like sipper, but, to put it simply, is just a good ole American brew. Now, don’t get me wrong, it will drown any Bud, Miller, or Coors light, but it is truly smooth, genuinely and painstakingly created, and a perfect complement to a ball game.
I get antsy when spring training emerges always unfathomably in February, yearning for the first pitch in April, the day my life realigns itself. But until then I will seemingly look over my 5th grade MLB folder of all the team names and logos, and continue to be impressed and unimpressed with different upper management team’s decision making. I have to hand it to some team owners who first took the time to eat their lobster, finish their wine, and remove their bibs before assiduously coming up with a significant team name, giving the objective the time it deserves. The Trolley Dodgers—a thought provoking, smooth sounding, historical name. Certainly one of my favorites. But you probably already can guess my favorite team name. It’s quite obvious. The Brewers, of course.
Ratings: Josh- 6 Shyoh's Pete - 6 Shyoh's Rob - 7 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Pilsner Pilsner - 5.1% ABV Josh As disappointing as a Brooklyn brew could be.
Ratings: Josh- 3 Shyoh’s
Brooklyn Post Road Pumpkin Ale Pumpkin Ale - 5% ABV Pete This is an ok pumpkin beer. Not good, not bad, but drinkable.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Sorachi Ace Saison - 7.2% ABV Pete I don't know what it was about this beer, but it tasted like sake to me. Take that as you will.
Ratings: Pete - 4 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Summer Ale Pale Ale - 5% ABV Pete This is a nice beer. The smell is dauntingly bitter, but the taste is nice and mild. This would be a great options for all seasons.
Ratings: Pete - 5 Shyoh's
Brooklyn Winter Ale Winter Ale - 6% ABV Pete This is a pretty generic winter beer. A little sweet, but nothing that stands out.