Bluejacket Bazooka Tooth Sour - 6% ABV Pete Fruity and sweet with a refreshing tart finish. Damn good beer. Pair with pretzels or something other salty snack for a great balance.
Ratings: Pete - 6 Shyoh's
Bluejacket Caribou Imperial Milk Stout - 8% ABV Pete Tastes like peanut butter and vanilla for sure. I don't get much chocolate flavor surprisingly. It's extremely sweet unfortunately. The flavors are good, but the sweetness is overwhelming.
Ratings: Pete - 3 Shyoh's
Bluejacket Seeing Sounds Sour - 6% ABV Pete This tastes like slightly tart tangerine juice. It also has a tiny hint of vanilla that gives it a little extra depth without being so much as to make it weird. Delicious.