Got a busy rest of the week coming up, and I wanted to make sure I got this in. Best beer I had this week: Remnant Clip Art IPA.
Description: Great rendition of a New England IPA. No bitterness, as you'd expect. The citrus leans more towards lemon than your typical tropical flavors, but I like that. It has a little creaminess, but the lemon gives it a dry crispness that makes it really easy to drink.
What you should know: This brewery just turned 2, and I've been very impressed so far. I hope they keep improving and pumping out great new beers.
Recommendations: If you find yourself in the Boston area, you should be able to find stuff from this brewery. As of now, they're doing some local delivery, and allowing on-site pickup. I've also gotten cans from them in 2 different local beer stores. Check their Instagram for updates.